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Advice for breast cancer patients
Advice for osteoporosis patients
Advice for colorectal cancer patients
Counseling for depressed patients
Treating diarrhea effectively
Introduction to nutritional medicine (part 1)
Advice on venous diseases
Substitute calcium and vitamin D3: How to do it right
Advice on erectile dysfunction
Physiology and pathophysiology of the respiratory tract
Pharmaceutical advice for cold sores
Constipation and intestinal sluggishness in self-medication
Minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphate, magnesium
Migraine in the pharmacy consultation
Mental health - fitness training for the brain
Cold sores, warts, aphthae, fungal diseases and co.
Fighting head lice effectively
Hemorrhoids in self-medication
Basic topic - Heart failure
Physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system
Basic topic - Medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Advice for dementia patients and relatives
Basic topic of depression
A time of upheaval - the menopause
Hawthorn - power for the heart
Tobacco cessation - A guide for pharmacy practice
Stress, competitive sport and nutrition
Schuessler salts - A guide for pharmacy practice
Self-medication for back, joint and muscle pain
Advice for type 2 diabetes
Advice on atherosclerosis
Proper pharmaceutical advice for anticoagulated patients
Babies and toddlers in the pharmacy
Recognizing anxiety patients and providing sensitive advice
Fundamentals of veterinary medicinal products
Eucalyptus, peppermint and co. essential oils
Secondary plant substances
Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Nutrition for metabolic diseases and diabetes mellitus
Nutrition for neurological diseases
Nutrition for gastrointestinal diseases
Nutrition for liver diseases
Nutrition for cardiovascular diseases
Nutrition for skin diseases and allergies
Nutrition for arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
Introduction to nutritional medicine (part 2)
Sun protection - A guide for pharmacy practice
Nutrition and the immune system