Fighting head lice effectively


One of the most common "childhood diseases" is infestation with head lice. The mere announcement of the presence of head lice at school and kindergarten is often associated with an almost panic-like willingness to act on the part of those affected, usually girls, and their parents.
But what needs to be done now? Is the basic cleaning of the home and daycare center due? How long does the head louse survive away from humans? After this topic, you will be able to answer your customers' crawliest questions with confidence.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know the most important facts about lice and head lice infestation
  • know the meaning of "wet combing"
  • know what the Infection Protection Act says and which lice remedies are on the disinfestation list
  • you have an overview of the common topical lice remedies and their application
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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 6 Themen
  • 3 Quizzes