Basics of homeopathy


Homeopathy is a popular form of therapy among pharmacy customers. Gentle and effective, it has been able to hold its own alongside allopathic methods for many years. If you have not yet started a homeopathic concept for your pharmacy - now is the best time to do so. Start with this section on the basics of homeopathy, in which the entire HV team can participate.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know what homeopathy is and how homeopathic medicines are prepared and used
  • you have learned the principles according to which homeopathic remedies are selected
  • know the most important homeopathic remedies so that you can get started with homeopathic advice in the best possible way
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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 7 Themen
  • 2 Quizzes