Nutrition for metabolic diseases and diabetes mellitus


Metabolic disorders have a strong influence on the development of cardiovascular diseases and contribute significantly to overall mortality in Europe.

And according to the World Health Organization (WHO), we can now speak of a global diabetes epidemic. The increase in the number of people with diabetes is particularly evident in the western world and is due, among other things, to overeating with an increase in obesity.

Diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidaemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This topic explains the interrelationships and provides important knowledge for counseling.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • are familiar with dyslipidemia and know which type of diet is recommended and which food components have a positive effect on blood lipid levels
  • have extensive knowledge of diabetes and know the importance of the glycemic index for carbohydrate intake
  • know foods and diets that are recommended for diabetes
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Course Includes

  • 3 Lessons
  • 5 Themen
  • 2 Quizzes