In addition to drug therapy for the individual risk factors, lifestyle changes in particular help to prevent the development of various cardiovascular diseases.
Apart from smoking cessation and regular physical activity, non-pharmacological measures include, in particular, nutritional therapy interventions.
This section will take a closer look at some important cardiovascular disorders and diseases whose frequency and progression can be influenced by diet. These include arterial hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias and peripheral arterial vascular disease (peripheral arterial occlusive disease, AVD). What role do different nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements play here? And what is the significance of specific foods? You can find the answers here.
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Learning objectives
After you have completed this topic...
- know what influence nutrition has on the development and prevention of cardiovascular diseases
- know the current study situation on the use of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in cardiovascular diseases
- know which foods have been proven to have a positive impact on cardiovascular disease and why the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet offer benefits