In addition to genetic predisposition and the effects of various hormonal and medicinal influences, diet also plays an important role in the course and prognosis of osteoporosis. In addition to calcium and vitamin D intake, the influence of other macro- and micronutrients in the prevention and treatment of this disease has been investigated. In addition to an adequate supply of these nutrients, particularly calcium and vitamin D, the timing of their intake over the course of a lifetime must also be taken into account.
An adequate supply can be ensured both through food and by taking supplements. However, to avoid side effects and complications, a wholefood diet with a high proportion of fruit and vegetables should be given preference. Furthermore, a normal weight should be maintained to prevent osteoporosis and the consumption of coffee and alcohol should be avoided as far as possible.
Osteoarthritis is a common disease that is responsible for pain and functional impairment in millions of patients. In addition to the positive effects of weight loss and exercise therapy, diet also plays an important role in the treatment of this disease. The loss of fat mass is of great importance for these patients. Various antioxidants and dietary supplements have been used to relieve pain in these patients with varying results.
When a suitable stimulus is applied, the arachidonic acid esterified in the cell membrane is released. It is converted into eicosanoids via the arachidonic acid cascade and can trigger an arthritis flare if the patient has a genetic predisposition.
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis should avoid disease-promoting nutrients and pro-inflammatory nutrients and increase their intake of anti-inflammatory nutrients such as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Patients should aim for a normal weight and take osteoporosis prophylaxis.
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Learning objectives
After you have completed this topic...
- you have learned about the importance of nutrition in the clinical pictures of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis
- you know that not only calcium and vitamin D play a role in osteoporosis prophylaxis
- know the SYSADOA/DMOAD concept in the treatment of osteoarthritis
- you are familiar with the mechanisms of action of food components on inflammatory processes