Advice on contraception


This section offers you the opportunity to learn more about all aspects of contraception. When it comes to barrier methods, you will of course find the classic condoms, but female condoms or contraception with a diaphragm or cervical cap are not neglected either. When advising our customers, our top priority is to provide information on the correct use of each method. For example, how do you know if an IUD is still in place? This section focuses on all aspects of hormonal contraception, as these are the most reliable methods and the target groups and user groups are correspondingly large. However, the possibilities of natural family planning are also explained and evaluated. Whether contraception during breastfeeding, in the premenopause or in an emergency, special life situations require a special selection of the appropriate contraceptive method. This part of the course will equip you to answer your customers' questions about contraception with confidence.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know what forms of contraception are available and how safe they are
  • you can advise your customers specifically on the correct use of the pill
  • you have acquired important knowledge about natural contraception, contraception in special life situations and emergency contraception
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 12 Themen
  • 3 Quizzes