Advice for colorectal cancer patients


Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer in women and the third most common cancer in men in the Federal Republic of Germany (according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute). The chances of recovery are very good if diagnosed early, and statutory health insurance covers the costs of early detection measures. Prophylaxis consists of a healthy lifestyle. Pharmacies should support both early detection and a healthy lifestyle.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know all the basic facts about colorectal cancer and know how colorectal cancer develops, what risk factors and risk groups there are and the importance of endoscopy in colorectal cancer screening
  • you have gained an overview of the therapies used: Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy
  • know the most important drug groups used in chemotherapy for colorectal cancer
  • know the typical accompanying symptoms of chemotherapy and know which supportive measures are useful to alleviate these symptoms


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Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 21 Themen
  • 7 Quizzes