Advice on venous diseases


Vein diseases are affecting more and more people in our sedentary society. Are we addressing these people sufficiently in the pharmacy? Are we demonstrating our expertise in the form of vein measurement days, lectures and day-to-day advice?

And it can also affect us, who mainly work standing up. Get fit so that you can give your customers the best possible advice. Early prophylaxis can prevent the development of serious venous diseases. Demonstrate your expertise in the field of venous disease and make a name for yourself with your customers!

This topic section provides you with the basics on the development of the disease, therapeutic options and practical tips for customer consultations. Armed with this knowledge, you can actively enter the field of vein disease advice - join in!

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know the cause, prevalence and diagnosis of venous diseases
  • know how chronic venous diseases are classified into different degrees of severity
  • know the various treatment options for venous diseases: Compression therapy, drug therapy and surgery
  • you can recognize those affected in the pharmacy, address them specifically and advise them
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Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 9 Themen
  • 3 Quizzes