HIV and AIDS counseling


HIV and AIDS are important counseling topics in the pharmacy. This course deals with the epidemiology, the HI virus and HIV infection. The constantly evolving therapy options and active ingredient classes of the drugs used are explained. The self-management of patients to alleviate side effects is addressed. Pre-exposure prophylaxis as well as HIV tests and the possibilities of post-exposure prophylaxis are also addressed. This is the necessary knowledge to be able to give confident advice on HIV and AIDS in the pharmacy.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know the basic facts about HIV and AIDS
  • are familiar with the principles of antiretroviral therapy, the start of therapy and the substance classes used in therapy
  • know what HIV testing procedures are available and what pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis looks like
  • you can provide targeted advice and support to HIV patients in the pharmacy, particularly with regard to adherence


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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 17 Themen
  • 6 Quizzes