Advice on erectile dysfunction


According to the "Male Sexual Dysfunction" guideline of the European Society of Urology, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the two main complaints men make in the field of sexual medicine. Erectile dysfunction is an important issue for men and therefore also an important topic for advice in pharmacies. Modern pharmacological therapies have fundamentally changed the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction in recent years. The following lessons provide in-depth knowledge on this topic.

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Learning objectives

After you have completed this topic...

  • know the definition and frequency of erectile dysfunction and have basic knowledge of erectile dysfunction
  • know which drugs of different substance classes have an effect on erectile function
  • you have an overview of the treatment options for erectile dysfunction
  • know the mode of action of PDE-5 inhibitors and their most important properties
  • you have learned about other drug and non-drug therapy options
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Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 10 Themen
  • 4 Quizzes